Today was a big day. My little boy graduated from his Montessori school. He's been practicing songs, and gearing up to pass cake for weeks. The weather decided to hit the upper 80s today -- it was downright hot! But it made for a really fun day.

Grandma Joan was in town, and Nina & Papa came down to celebrate. C was in heaven.

This is just H and me watching the celebration.

This is our fifth all-school picnic / graduation.
H celebrated this same accomplishment himself a couple years ago. And it's our final one. I always thought I'd be in tears when the time came to leave.

But you know what? Like everything, it comes a time when you are just ready, and I'm so excited for what next year will bring for C. The school is also saying good-bye to the boy's beloved teacher, Mrs. B. (in the white pants above). She is moving back to Canada to be closer to her own kids. Five years! That's how long we've had children in her class. She's been a big, big part of our lives, and we'll miss her.

The kids receive a diploma, and a brand new graduate t-shirt (which they need to grow into).

Here's proud big brother H in his own graduate t-shirt. (Look how absolutely hot these children look! We were melting.)

Part of the tradition is that the graduates pass out cake to their family and guests. (I got the first piece.) He was very serious about making sure his duties were fulfilled, and made sure all of his guests got one.

Then he finally got to enjoy his own. Well deserved C!

And H had a great time playing with some of his old friends too. What a great day.