Today is C's 10th birthday, which is just too crazy to believe. Double digits. How did that happen? He's a super funny, goofy guy. He doesn't let much bother him, is a hard worker and friends with most every one. He's a pretty special person, and we couldn't be more proud of him.
C ' S F A V O R I T E S A T 1 0 Y E A R S O L D :
Color // Gold
Food // Pizza and sardines
Drink // Milk
Toy // Soccer ball
TV show // English Premiere League Soccer
Subject in school // PE
Book // None
Animal // Pig
Sport // Soccer
Song // None
Place to be // Soccer Field
Day of the week // Friday
If he could visit anywhere in the world, it would be California. When he grows up, he wants to be a professional soccer player and live in Manchester, England.