14 October 2009

Art by C: Haunted House

At C's school, they offer extracurricular activities. C chose art class (over gym). He loves it, and most of the pictures I post are from this class. However, he goes to a Montessori school, and one of the "big works" they can select in the classroom is easel painting. Until they are "afternooners," they work on small pieces. But now, he gets to work on the large easel. H did a lot of paintings on the big easel too. In fact, they are still hanging on all the doors in our house. But it's so interesting for me to see how different the boys are in their work. H never drew people or objects -- they were basically shapes and color studies. C always has a person or object in his paintings. This one is a haunted house -- complete with a ghost and bats.

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