10 April 2011


What a glorious weekend. It was in the 70s and 80s. Too bad we had to spend most of it inside packing. But I'm not at all complaining. It was still amazing. H spent most of the time outside in the yard and riding his bike up and down the street. C stayed in his PJs until it was time for a shower, then he would get back in PJs. He leads a rough life. H did get him outside a bit -- he sat in the wagon playing his beloved DS (which is now somehow broken and unfixable -- great... Looks like "Destructo" was at it again. It's been awhile since he's broken anything -- but I'm so ticked it had to be this. Especially because I'm sure he'll miss it while we are at closings, moving, and so on over the next couple weeks. Grrrrr....) Finished the weekend up with a great sushi dinner, ice cream, dog walking and a little bike riding. Most excellent.

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