One of our favorite days of the year at the boy's school is the annual Fun Fair. The school is open for 4 hours, packed with games, a bounce house, silent auctions, cake walk, bingo, food and pie in the face.

C absolutely loves the game area. He's more of an instant gratification kind of guy, so the candy he wins suits him just fine.

H, on the other hand, prefers the cake walk. He'd rather risk it all for the big prize. Here he is with Brian (and the kids down the street who used to babysit for us -- in green -- I adore that family). Like all the other years, H won us some dessert for tonight. Yahoo!

But the biggest event of the entire day is the pie in the face. Just check out that crowd. They mean serious business.

This year, the staff did something a little different -- a dance off. The New Beat consisted of five of the new teachers.

Beat Street was the gym teacher, a forth grade teacher, the principal (he's second from right, and just an awesome, awesome guy), the district teacher mentor. And not in the photo above, the school engineer. Who definitely surprised all of us with some pretty amazing break dance moves.

Finally, there was The Rejects -- the three third grade teachers and a kindergarten teacher (H's teacher is on the far right).

This clearly is the only school I have experience with, but I think it's pretty amazing. How many do you know of who's teachers and principal would do something like this? And I'll tell you, it raises a ton of money! The New Beats won the dance-off, taking home the prized trophy. But The Rejects received the most money, earning them ... the pie in the face.

Needless to say, H thought it was pretty great seeing his teacher get a pie thrown in her face.