It doesn't look like our Gretel-proof fencing is working too well. Ha! Actually, this is the first time she got herself in there, so the clematis have never looked better.

C's Latino League played in a neighborhood soccer tournament this past weekend. He had to miss Saturday's games, but was able to make it for the finals.

On Monday, I drove him up to Stevens Point for Striker camp. He had been looking so forward to this camp all summer. He roomed with three other players from his team last year.

Meanwhile, Brian had a business dinner on Monday, so H and I went on a date. Love spending time with the 15 year old. First, we had dinner at The Vanguard. I had the Nashville Hot Chicken, and H had the Thai Breaker. We would have ordered a little differently (H's was a bit too spicy for him, and I would have done different sides), but still enjoyed it. Afterwards, we went to Purple Door for ice cream. I had Lemon Cardamom and H had Strawberry Chocolate Chip. Yummy!

On Wednesday, I went back to Stevens Point to pick C up. It was a short but sweet few days. Perfect for him, since he said he was a little homesick at night. He did great though, and actually had a super successful experience. He was awarded top player in his group, and the coach (who is the UW Madison soccer coach), even said that they will never forget that bicycle kick he had as they called him up. So exciting. He did what he wanted to there, and learned a ton.

My mom invited me to guest day for tennis again this year. We weren't able to make it last year, but it's always a really fun time. We didn't win, but definitely held our own. Not bad considering I only play once or twice a year. I actually would love to play more. Just need to figure out how to do that.