03 March 2017

Last Week in Moments

C was invited to the Regional Free-throw Contest at Nicolet High School after being one of the top 5 free-throwers in his grade. He qualified with 15 out 30, but ended up with 12 on the big day. As soon as we walked in, he said "Wouldn't it be funny if a soccer player won the free-throw contest?" We had no idea he was so into basketball, but turns out he's kind of a NBA junkie.

Better late than never! Had our 8th annual holiday dinner with Ali/Scott and Shelly/Andrew. Tried out a new place this year -- Jackson Grill. We liked it! Here we are with the chef.

As part of Gretel's recovery, swimming is recommended. Luckily we live near The Feed Bag, which has a pool and provides recovery swim time. She loved it!

On Sunday we had dinner at Grandma's house. She made one of Brian's favorites -- chicken broccoli casserole. I brought a birthday cake to celebrate her 77th birthday, which was a couple days later. Happy birthday, Grandma!

I somehow started the tradition of getting a King Cake every year on Mardi Gras. This one may not have been the most traditional, but it sure was delicious. As a side note, I have never tried a paczki! May need to change that next year.

On Wednesday, it snowed! All day. This was the mood all around.

The snow was a total bummer. But look at the gorgeous day it made the next day.

Took Gretel for her follow-up visit. She's healing great, and can start going on short walks. Still another 6-9 weeks until she's back to normal, but it's nice to know we are over the hump.

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