23 September 2012

Tournament Weekend


It was soccer tournament weekend, which meant six soccer games in two days. Both teams did really well. H's won 2 and lost 1, nearly making it to the playoffs. I'm so ticked -- I had taken the best photo of him next to one of the players from the other team during the game they lost, but it seemed to have gotten deleted when I tossed my camera into my bag. I swear, the kid was already shaving, and I wouldn't have been surprised if he drove away in his own car after the game. He was enormous. C's team won 2 and lost 1 as well. They still get "thanks for playing" metals, so he was happy. By the way, check out H's new look. C has been sporting a headband too in order to keep his bangs out of his face, but H's look is definitely less discrete. It seems to be his thing.

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