27 September 2012

Open House


Tonight was the open house at C's school. As we entered the classroom, we had to find his desk based on some questions they answered and a picture they drew of themselves. C's picture was him with long hair (pre yesterday's cut I guess), his soccer uniform, and even the headband he's been wearing during games. Some of the things you may not (or may) know about C are: he wants to be "a fesno (professional) soccer player" when he grows up, his favorite books are "the magic treehouse," his favorite thing to eat is "hrd (hard) shell tacos," I wish that "I had a pig" (seriously, is this obsession ever going to end?), if he had a million dollars he woud "buy a bunny", and his favorite thing to do in the winter is "snoball (snowball) fit (fights)." And there's more! He has a dog and loves salted caramel ice cream. But the most important thing is that he likes to ride horses. He really is quite the guy and we are super proud of him -- even if he was one of two students who had a blue "warning" crayon in their behavior chart.

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