Today was really kind of a weird day. Or at least, some weird things happened. Mainly involving random animals. Earlier in the day, I heard some ruckus, and when I looked to find out what was going on, I saw two squirrels on the screen to our porch. I went outside to scare them away, but guess what? They were stuck! Or afraid to leave. It was the strangest thing. I tried poking them from the inside. I tried poking them from the outside. They were hanging on our screen for at least 30 minutes. Storm was in crazy dog heaven, but it was all too close for comfort to me. See that third photo down? It was taking with my iPhone. Too close! Finally one got down, but then another jumped onto the gutter, where yet one more squirrel happened to be! I thought that maybe they were trying to nest there, but I can't find any sort of openings. I just think they didn't have a grip on the stone or wood and freaked out. It was crazy.
A few hours later in the day, just as I was starting to get phone calls to see if soccer practice was going to be cancelled due to rain, I saw a dog running around. H went outside, and the thing ran right up to him. Which was great, except it was a huge dog ... running right at my boy. You just never know. Turns out it was very friendly. I got a leash. H got some water. I took a picture and sent to Brian asking if we could keep it.
Brian still hasn't gotten back to me.
We called the police -- all the while, C got off the bus (probably thinking we got him a new dog and wondering why it wasn't a bulldog like he's been asking for for the last three Christmases), I was talking to the Director of the soccer club who was filling in for C's coach, and sending out an email to the team canceling practice. You wonder why I sound like a crazy lady half the time? This kind of thing is exactly why. Just as I hit 'send' a police man (who was really handsome, I might add) showed up. Thankfully, he thought he recognized the dog, and whisked the dog away in the police car. The boys are still bummed we didn't keep it. I'm hoping for an uneventful rest of the evening.