29 August 2012

Happy 8th Birthday C!


Seriously -- how can this be happening? Today C turns 8, and that's just plain crazy. One of my friends who's son plays soccer with H describes him as a little elf with magical powers. And you know what? He does kind of seem like that. There's just something about him that is ... magical. Don't get me wrong, he can still be tough. His favorite past-time is wrestling. He wrestles his brother. He wrestles his dog. He wrestles his friends. Plus, he's completely stubborn. I sure hope it pays off when he's older. But he's always smiling and laughing, and has a really great sense of humor. Man oh man, do we think he's awesome. He loves playing soccer. It's his life and he has no fear. He loves school too, but definitely more for the social life than the classwork.

As I've done in past years, here are some of C's favorites:

Favorite color: gold
Favorite food: corn chowder soup
Favorite drink: apple juice ("I didn't even get wild last time I had it.")
Favorite toy: iPod
Favorite TV show: Ninjago
Favorite subject in school: math
Favorite animal: bulldog
Favorite sport: "You know..." (it's soccer)
Favorite day of the week: Wednesday (because it's the day his birthday is on this year)

(Here's what he said when he was 7 and 6)

We are having some family over to celebrate tonight, and are just looking forward to a really fun day. Happy 8th birthday C.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Happy birthday to one of my favorite people in the whole wide world!