{Madison, WI - Fairmont, MN, 316 miles}
When we were younger, my family went on a couple RV vacations with my grandparents. And to this day, they are some of our favorite memories from growing up. We've been talking about doing an RV adventure for awhile, and finally the day has come. Yesterday, we hit the road for our very own great American road trip. The cast of characters includes:
Papa/Dad :: Chief Short Hair
Nina/Mom :: Bubbly Barb
Me :: Angel Fire
Brian :: P Coltrane
H :: Pork Chop Bones
C :: Eagle Head
Christie/Aunt Christie :: Princess Himalaya
Tim/Uncle Tim :: Captain Graybeard
J (16-year old cousin/nephew) :: Bear Soul
M (13-year old cousin/niece) :: TBD
My grandparents actually owned an RV, but since we don't, we rented two 31-foot recreational vehicles from Wisconsin RV World in Madison, Wisconsin. After an introduction on how things work and we loaded up, we hit the road. We drove most of the day, and ended up at the Flying Goose Campground in Fairmont, Minnesota. It was super nice and clean, free wifi (yes!), and had some really great relics from the past laying around. I mean, check out that game room! So far, so good for an incredible adventure.
So happy you are blogging as you go! Can't wait to hear about your adventure day by day :)
Looks like you are all on a roll! Have fun!
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