04 June 2011

First Soccer Tournament


Not only was it C's first soccer tournament, it was his first time ever playing a soccer game. And he loved it. The first game, especially, was a blast -- even though they didn't win. C even scored a pretty incredible goal. Nina & Papa rode their Harley out to watch him play. Grandma was there. So were Uncle Matt, Aunt Pam, and the kids. We definitely brought the largest cheering section to the event. The tournament was in Racine, so we came home between games. By the time game number two came along in the afternoon, he was pretty tired, and very sluggish. They didn't win that game either, but the kids seemed to have fun. And I didn't think they did that bad for a team that was pretty much put together last week. Grandma and Mac were there again, which was great. And Grandma took us all out for dinner at the Yardarm, where C had a slice of Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream Cake that was a big as his head. It was a really fun day. Which is a good thing, since there's one more game tomorrow!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Way to go Cole!! I love the picture from grass level; it seems to caputre the essence of a tournament!