23 June 2011

Dear Photograph

Confession: I'm a HUGE photo freak. Seriously, my photo albums are among my prized possessions. But the funny thing is, as time goes on, I'm not quite as tied to them as I used to be. It could be that I have so many pictures from over the years that I don't even know what to do with them. (I used to think they are what I'd grab in case of fire -- now it's my boys and dog -- thank goodness I have my priorities straight, right? Brian would be too busy calming me down to worry about.) Or it could be, simply, that times have changed. I look back to when H was born, and we didn't even have a digital camera. Now, I take a ton of pictures on a daily basis. While they are just as important to me, having an actual print out just doesn't seems as relevant anymore. Or priceless, really. But that being said, this Tumblr feed, featuring old time photos in today's settings, really hit a soft spot in me. (originally seen via A Cup of Jo)

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