31 March 2010
Woodland Theme

30 March 2010
Night Out

28 March 2010
Pancakes with Papa


26 March 2010
Friday Night Fish Fry

25 March 2010
Hanging Out
Wood Stools

24 March 2010
23 March 2010
Story by C

I would like to travel to Florida to see Disneyland. And I would also like to see what Disney World looks like.There was a page two too. It said he wants to go to Florida for Spring Break. Um, I hope Wisconsin is alright with him!
22 March 2010
House in Buzen by Suppose Design Office

20 March 2010
Almost Sleepover

19 March 2010
18 March 2010
Cone Head

17 March 2010
Under the Knife

If you get grossed out by stitches and stuff, you better close your browser now. Because we are all about documentation here.

UPDATE (03.23.10)
Just got the call from the vet and his prognosis is looking good. No cancer, which is a huge relief. There were atypical cells that were cloning quickly. But it seems that it was a common bump, that should have gone down, and didn't. Instead it was inflamed, and probably infected. So, it stinks we all had to go through this, but the results couldn't have been better.
Happy Birthday B!

We miss you. We love you. Happy birthday B! (P.S. In case you can't read it, we tried to make our letters saying Happy Birthday, above. C gave up after only three. Hard to imagine, right?)
16 March 2010
Beach House Round 2
15 March 2010
Blast Off

Anyhow, we had to go back to the toy store over the weekend and went while H was at soccer. Just the two of us. And as soon as I mentioned we were going there, he brought up the rocket toy again and how he just had to have it.
Now, we really don't buy our kid's a lot of stuff, but they are not deprived by any means. Unless you are looking at the picture above and notice the holes in H's pants. Then you might think I'm lying and that they truly are lacking in some basic necessities. But not really. Those just happen to be his favorite pants -- believe you me, they are on their way out the door. Very soon.
Back to Blast Pad. C wanted this thing so bad, so I told him he could have it -- if he bought it himself. So he did (after I lectured him on how he could be saving his money for a car when he's older, or spending it on toys now -- he obviously picked the now). He got money out of his piggy bank and paid me back. And I took it, because no way am I giving in. No way. So far they seem to be having a great time with it. Hopefully the trade-off was worth it. In any case, C is very proud of his new purchase.
14 March 2010
The Lego House that H Built

13 March 2010
11 March 2010

10 March 2010
In the Classroom

09 March 2010
Hard at Work

I Could See Living Here

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