01 April 2008

Earth Month 2008

Earth Month begins today. At H & C's school, this means wear-your-bright-
yellow-school-shirt-to-school day, so that is pretty exciting. And, for every 1-way trip to school that is car-pooled or done by foot this month, they get to bring a rock and put it in a jar at the school. Since we walk every day, it's not a big deal. But it is important for them to know part of the reason why we always (even in the cold and rain) don't drive those three blocks and always go by foot.

It's not always easy breaking old habits. And yes, occasionally a dirty plastic container ends up in garbage instead of the recycling bin in our house. We are working on that. But, Brian just ordered our rain barrels, and we get to pick those up this weekend. Exciting. We will be ordering our compost bin in a couple weeks.

I also wanted to mention a great green website. Our friends Alex and Joanna moved a to Michigan a couple years ago. And they have really embraced the move from urban to rural farm life. Sadly, we haven't been able to visit yet, but hope to soon. Enough about that -- Joanna started an online store called The Greater Green, which sells natural products (beauty to cleaning, pet to baby, and more). She also has a blog -- Adventures of Eco-Living. Be sure to check it out.

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