02 January 2012

Something to Remember

The kids went back to the school today, and Brian back to work. It was just Storm and me around the house. I had grand plans of putting in a big day of work since I was trapped without a car. But when I realized my office was still closed for the holidays, I decided to take the day off too! And I used it to get organized around the house. The tree came down. I weeded through holiday decorations we haven't used for awhile. I did about seven loads of laundry. I took the dog for a long walk. Oh, and I got my car back this afternoon, so that's a good thing. Decided it was time to go through my Google Reader too. Lots of good stuff from long ago for the inspiration files. I also found this image and figured it was a good reminder to help kick off the new year. (via It's Mary Ruffle)

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