09 January 2012

Out of Hibernation


Can you believe it's January and I got to ride my bike today? Outside? In Wisconsin? Not only that, I really enjoyed it! It was a gorgeous sunny day in the 40s. Besides my running tights, I had to borrow all of Brian's cold weather gear (since I don't own any). In fact, I didn't even have any wheels on my bike -- thinking it would be a few months before I'd be riding again. I borrowed Brian's Pablove wheels, but have got to say, they look pretty nice on my bike. I haven't ridden since the beginning of September and was a bit rusty. And while it looks like the warm weather is going to stay for a couple days, it's going to be cold towards the end of the week. If anything though, it makes me realize it's time to get myself on a trainer -- only a few months until Spring!

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