30 September 2010
Mid-Century Modern
I have so many items starred in my Google Reader that I want to start archiving. Some are from months ago. Here's one of them. Check out the before shots of this fantastic Mid-Century Modern house in Salt Lake City! Pretty amazing. All photos by Tyler Gourley -- here's the rest of the after shots. (via Black*Eiffel)
29 September 2010
Lots of Money
Today, the third grade had a field trip to the Federal Reserve Bank. Each of them came home with a little bag of Fed Shred. But H got this big bundle as a souvenir. This bundle has about 200 shredded bills, worth approximately $2158 per inch. Kind of cool. He said it was a great visit.
28 September 2010
Ant Farm
Well, we got ourselves some new pets. At least for 1-3 months. C got this ant farm for his birthday. The ants arrived via US mail a couple days ago, and seem to be acclimating just fine. Did you know the ants they sent bite? True. You have to stick them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to slow them down so you can just dump them in the ant farm. Also, they will kill each other if the ant is from a different colony. How do you know? I'm kind of glad I ordered them instead of collecting some from our back yard! The boys are totally intrigued.
27 September 2010
26 September 2010
Moon Dance
Last night, one of our neighbors had a Moon Dance Party. Melissa & Leif had invited me over for dinner beforehand. Brian's been in Las Vegas for a week for work. I've decided that four nights is about all I can handle until I start losing it a bit, so the last couple days have put me in a bit of a funk. But enjoying a nice meal and a evening with friends was exactly what I needed. After dinner, we left the boys in the capable hands of Emma (and her helper, Finn), and walked four houses down to the Moon Dance Party. It was a bit chilly, but a beautiful night. Plus, I have a total weakness for the little white lights they had strung across the back yard. Gorgeous. When we came home, the boys were crashed out on the sofa. Emma has a magical touch, that's for sure. Melissa and Leif helped me carry the kids to the car, and by the time we got home, Brian was waiting for us. He had arrived about five minute earlier. And now, we are looking forward to a great day, just hanging out at home together today.
25 September 2010
The Sharks Today
The Sharks had a great day today. It started with team photos. Unfortunately, there were two boys and the head coach missing, but it still was a nice picture. Next, they played at game at our favorite field -- the one by our house, with a playground and bathrooms -- and won. The score was 6-1. But what was really great was that 5 (maybe it was even 6) different kids made the goals. H wasn't one of them, but it was really fun to see.
Blog Book
I received my second blog book in the mail today, and absolutely love it. Honestly, it takes quite awhile to put together, but it's something I really treasure. As I've said before, this blog is meant to be a way for me to take time out of my day and try to focus on the little things, and simply what makes us happy. Sometimes it's just a place for me to post about stuff I like and don't want to forget about. I'm absolutely thrilled some people like to read it, but really, it's mostly for me. The book is a great keepsake that I look forward to getting each year. And I thought it was great to see H & C as excited, if not more, to take a look at it. (By the way, I order my blog books through blurb.)
24 September 2010
Art by C: Me, C and Storm
He said he didn't have room for the others in our family. Glad to see Storm and I made the cut! And I'm a bit surprised. Boy, have C and I been butting heads the last couple days. Brian's been gone all week, and finally comes home tomorrow. Thank goodness.
23 September 2010
Johan Thörnqvist
These pieces combine photography and illustration -- and I think they are completely awesome and really fun. I'm digging pretty much every piece by Johan Thörnqvist. (via Where the Lovely Things Are)
22 September 2010
Fall Flowers
I know I've said this before, but I love Fall. Everything about it, really. But I always find these flowers that bloom just as everything else is changing colors, absolutely amazing. They attract a swarm of the largest bumble bees in the world, but I totally think it's worth it.
21 September 2010
When my parents visited this weekend, they brought a box filled with stuff of mine. Mostly artwork, writing projects, cards I made them (something I did for a long time), and so on, from nursery school through middle school. For fun, I would put together little recipe books and illustrate them. Or draw about things that reminded me of Christmas. There was some pretty funny stuff in this box. And some was actually pretty good. The boys, especially H, got a huge kick out of it and loved seeing what I made when I was his age.
Something else that was in that box were my report cards. I'm one of those people who really needed to work hard in school for pretty average grades. It just didn't come easy for me. But I forgot how average some of those grades really were. Especially in middle school. I don't remember ever getting a C -- and there they were. About 4 in one semester. I must have been devastated. But I really didn't remember getting them, so I guess I've moved on. I definitely learned something though -- H and I are pretty much the same person when it comes to school. He is so conscientious and such a hard worker. But his report cards tend to read like mine did. I struggled with reading -- as noted in some of the comments -- and it's something he definitely needs to work at all the time as well. I love reading, and so does H. It's just something doesn't quite click when it comes to the testing. I also did horrible in social studies. What the...? And from what H said, it's not his favorite subject either. Then there math. Loved. It. It's something I didn't have too many problems with, and something he likes doing as well. Let's just hope he doesn't get another trait of mine -- not wanting to participate in discussions. I was so shy, that I absolutely hated raising my hand. So far I haven't seen that one on his report cards -- but I was surprised that they already had made it onto mine in 2nd grade. It was very interesting.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all of this stuff (thanks Mom & Dad), but it's been really fun going through it.
20 September 2010
Waiting for the Tooth Fairy
As soon as I picked H up from after-school, he flashed me his new grin. He lost his second front tooth today at school, and couldn't be happier. Now, he's tucked nicely in bed, just waiting for the Tooth Fairy.
C just built the most massive Tinkertoy creation ever. He actually built it over the weekend, but has to disassemble it to fit it in his room at night. He put it together again today and was pushing it along our upstairs. Look way down at the end of the hallway. Can you see the back set of wheels? It's about 11 feet long. And this photo also cropped how tall it really his. It's a pretty cool thing. I asked him what kind of car it is. It's a limo!
19 September 2010
On Top of the World

It was a wonderful feeling -- waking up and realizing we didn't have anywhere to be today. We spent the morning playing. Then I talked on the phone with a friend who I really needed to catch up with. For an hour. And the boys didn't even pester me. Too much. After lunch, we worked on a big project that H has to do, and C's homework. It's like pulling teeth with that boy to get him to do it. Does anyone else have that problem? H has always been so conscientious about doing homework, and I'm not really sure what to do. Anyhow, then we had an early dinner and just relaxed. I think we really needed it. It's another busy week ahead!
18 September 2010
Not the Best

15 September 2010
13 September 2010
Art by C: Self-Portrait Sleeping
12 September 2010
A Day at the Zoo

11 September 2010
Last Night

We had made dinner reservations at Blackbird. It's been around for a long time, but Brian had never been, and I went for lunch about 13 years ago. We were super excited about our night, and it didn't disappoint. We had:
Salad of endives with crispy potatoes, basil, dijon, pancetta and poached egg
Glazed veal sweetbreads with lime onions, tamarind, bee pollen and fried chocolate
Roasted australian sea bass with green papaya, dandelion greens, walnuts and charred beef vinaigrette (Brian)
Grilled berkshire pork loin with caramelized white chocolate, beets, plums and sea beans (Me)
Brown butter cake with red raspberries, borage and goat's milk caramel ice cream
It was perfect! Everything was delicious. We didn't feel too full afterward. In fact, we came home and sat on the deck with another bottle of wine until 1:30 in the morning. Probably not the best idea considering H had soccer bright and early this morning. But it was a great time.
Back to the Elsmo's. I was in such a rush to leave (not that I wasn't enjoying the company -- I was just looking forward to my date), that I had forgotten my camera. When we picked up the boys this morning, Leif handed me the camera back, and right away I turned it on to look at the pictures, because I knew -- I just KNEW there would be some pictures on it that I didn't take. I was right. Here's a sampling of what I found:

We picked up the boys this morning and the first words out of C's mouth was "Hi Mom. I didn't even miss you." They had an absolute blast -- thanks Elsmo's! On the way to soccer, C also had a very important question for us. Here it is: "So, did you guys kiss on the lips?"
10 September 2010
You + Me = Us for 11 Years
Today is our 11th Anniversary. And without getting sappy, all I'm going to say, is I absolutely adore the life we've built together. Love, Me.
09 September 2010
Work Space

08 September 2010
Camping - Governor Dodge State Park Day 3

07 September 2010
Camping - Governor Dodge State Park Day 2

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