18 September 2010

Not the Best

The Sharks played another team from their school today. And got absolutely creamed. I think the score was 13-0. The other team was really good. And bigger. And older. Our boys played well too -- and were good sports about the whole thing. I think the craziest moment to me was when the head coach of the other team argued -- I mean in your face argued -- with the poor little middle/high school girl referee about a call. It happened twice. And the score was already 10-0, so really? I'm not sure that was quite necessary. I don't think the outcome of the game affected H much. He seemed to have a fun time, and honestly, that's why he's playing. Also, he had two cheerleaders on the sideline who made a visit from Wisconsin. Nina & Papa drove down to watch the game, so he was in heaven. And I didn't mind -- check out the cute line judge!

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