Last week was the J. K. Lee Board Break-A-Thon benefitting the MACC Fund. H hasn't gone to taekwondo in probably a year, but still has got it // The volunteer (me) and the board breaks (H+C)

Brian was in LA and San Diego last weekend, so we were thankful to get him home on Sunday and enjoy a nice family dinner of shredded beef ragu and sweet potato gnocchi // It's sometimes hard to motivate with these two snuggle-muffins around

Yikes - look what I found on my phone // H has started monitoring the weather, meaning we are traveling to warmer places soon (bring it ... I'm so ready)

The water and heat was out at C's school on Thursday, so he had a freebie day off of school (this, after only showing up for two hours the day before due to a headache) and two friends over for an early morning hang-out // The old man keeps stealing Gretel's puppy toy
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