Today is Brian's birthday! Felt kind of strange not celebrating with him. No worries though. He got to watch both of H's training sessions today, eat tapas, and attend a Champions League game. Amazing. I think it was a pretty good day. As for us, C did homework in the morning, then we rode our bikes over to watch my mom play tennis. Afterwards, we ran a couple errands, then took a boat over to Little Hickory Beach. I remember going a few years ago and you could hardly put a towel down -- the beach was hardly there! They have rebuilt it and it is absolutely amazing. My mom, C and I walked out to a sand bar. Wish I could have brought the camera with because it was really cool just standing out in the middle of the ocean. Afterwards, we played more pickle ball (C still says he wants to go every day), then had dinner at home. Right now, my mom and dad are being troopers, hanging out with C in the hot tub and pool even though it's past their bed time. I think we are all going to sleep well tonight.
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