10 September 2009


What a great 10th anniversary! I picked Brian up at work, and we headed to the Judy A. Saslow Gallery for our friend Jason Rohlf's exhibit. Please stop by -- it runs through October 8th, and is amazing show (the public opening is tomorrow night). Jason and I share some great mutual friends. He's such a nice, and very talented guy. I like him a lot. Ironically, when Brian and I got married, my wedding present to him was a painting from Jason. So it was pretty cool that Jason's opening, was exactly the same day as our anniversary. We got to hang out for a bit, then Brian and I headed to an amazing dinner at The Publican. I really can't think of a better night.


Andrea said...

Ist das schon wieder 10 Jahre her?! Eine der schöneren Hochzeiten, die wir besuchen durften. Es fühlt sich an, als sei es erst vorletztes Jahr gewesen. Auf die nächsten 10!!

Angela said...

Ja! Kannst du das glauben? Zeit lauft einfach zu schnell.