How old are you? (counting his fingers) One, two, three, four. Four.
What is your favorite food to eat? Pizza.
What kind? And macaroni.
What is your favorite restaurant? Ice cream store.
What is your favorite candy? Lollipops.
What is your favorite ice-cream flavor? Chocolate one. And strawberry.
What is your favorite smell? Ummmm, macaroni smell, and you smell.
I smell? No, you smell.
You like my smell? Yup.
What is your favorite animal? The one with a big head.
A giraffe? Yes, giraffe.
If you could be any animal, what would it be? Ummm, tiger.
Why? Cause, me like tigers.
What is your favorite TV show? Spongebob Squarepants. And Shrek.
What is your favorite movie? I don’t know.
I actually think you answered that already.
What is your favorite song? Pizza song.
I’ve never heard of that song. (C busts into a made-up song about pizza.)
What is your favorite toy? Nothing.
Would you rather be inside or outside? Outside
Do you like morning or night time better? Snow.
Let me ask again ... morning or night? Snow.
What is your favorite sport? Giraffe one.
C, I think I’m losing you.
What is your favorite place to visit? Outer space.
Have you been there before? Nope.
What is your favorite holiday? Ummmm, Halloween
What is something you like to do at school? Nothing.
What about cookie baking? Oh, yup. And trains.
I think the trains are in childcare, not school. Are you ready to be done? Yes, me have dessert now?
Me. Ok, bye.