26 January 2009


C's been channeling his creative energy into fabricating stories. In other words, he's been lying. During the holiday season, we noticed chocolates from his advent calendar were missing and he blamed it on the elf. He recently told his teacher that I'm the one who told him to do cookie baking in school every day. And at dinner tonight, we had the following conversation.

Me: C, tell Dad who came to your school today.
C: Barack Obama.
Me: What?
C: Really!
Me: That's not what you told me before.
C: Ya, Barack Obama ... and a fireman. (Pause) You ask my teacher?
Me: Yes.
C: Ok, me lying. Only fireman, and alarm no loud.

P.S. Yes, we clearly knew the entire time that he was making this up. But we actually thought this one was pretty funny.

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