26 February 2025

Japan :: Day 12 :: The Last Day

The last day. This trip was a dream, and truly was incredible. We had a few hours to kill after checkout, so walked through the temple and got lunch at Chinese restaurant before making our way to the airport, were we used our Suica cards up at the vending machines and got airport sushi. I figured we'd be home soon, so it was safe to risk it. It was delicious. Honestly, I'm sure it happens, but I've never heard of anyone getting food poisoning in Japan. They just take such great care of everything they do. Just look at the airport staff waving as our airplane departed. Anyhow, I still cannot believe all we experienced. Thank you, Brian, for all your planning and making this happen. And thank you, Japan, for your beautiful culture and people. I hope to see you again.
NOTE: The Suica card is a prepaid card that you can use for public transportation and many stores, like vending machines and 7-Elevens. It was so cool. Just download it to your iPhone wallet and add funds there. The other good tip I got from several people was to get Japan wifi. You order ahead, and pick it up at the airport. It was much cheaper, and probably more reliable, than using our phones internationally. Just drop it off in a post office box at the airport. Japan was full of smart things like that. 

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