Happy Father's Day to Brian! We made him a breakfast of scrambled eggs, roasted potatoes and praline bacon before he and H headed out to our friend Mike's to go out on his boat for a bit. We met up with them later, along with my parents, my sister and her family, for some family pickleball. Papa and C put a team together. It was all C's doing. They had matching crazy shirts, a sign and even a team name -- "The Gents." Fun.

Happy Father's Day to my very own Dad! My parents hosted Father's Day dinner for the family. I love having them around again.

The first bird hatched in our cardinal nest. The next day, another one did. And yesterday, yet another. (However, when I went to check it out today, I only saw two of the babies, and two eggs left. Yikes.) They are adorable. The nest is right by our outdoor sofa -- where I sit to watch Gretel so she doesn't get to it -- so today I got to watch both the mom and dad cardinals feeding them. It's pretty amazing.

We made it strawberry picking! I was going to make something awesome -- what, I don't know -- but we ended up just eating the strawberries on their own. So good.

C is at an overnight soccer camp for 3 days, 2 nights. He's rooming with three other guys he played soccer with this past year. I'm sure he's having an absolute blast. (That being said, I can't wait to pick him up tomorrow am).

Brian was in Dallas this week, so H and I had a night by ourselves. Unfortunately, I had C's soccer registration in the evening, but as soon as I was done, I picked him up and we went out for dinner. Thainamite, is what he requested. It was so nice -- I really like hanging out with him.