24 March 2013

Venezuelan Visitors


This afternoon, we got to spend time with some friends from Venezuela who had spent a few days in Chicago, and are making their way to New York. José and I went to college together, but it's been a good ten years since we've seen each other last. Now, he and his wife have three extremely beautiful children in tow. It was so much fun meeting them. The best was watching them in the snow. Now, I'm admittedly kind of bitter that it's still here. In mid-March. During Spring Break and right before Easter. But today, I was pretty excited it stuck around. This is the first time they've seen it, and it was super cute watching them in it. We had lunch, caught up, the kids played. It was a fun afternoon. (Unfortunately, as hard as we tried, I could not get a group photograph of all of us to work.)

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