13 July 2008

Trees and Bugs

It was a perfect in-the-70s day here, so we hit the Morton Arboretum. The boys and I had gone earlier this year, but things were different this time -- Brian got to come with, it was much better weather, and it was a lot more crowded. Ralph Covert of Ralph's World was having a concert, so at first, we slightly concerned. But while most of the kids were jamming to the tunes, we were strolling the Children's Garden listening to the concert from afar. It would have been fun to go to, but at the same time, was just fine by us. We even got to see a little of the concert while we were walking through the maze, and C thought it was cool that both he and Ralph were wearing blue.

Big Bugs were still on exhibit (only through the end of the month), so H & C were bug detectives. C took his job very seriously, as you can see from the pencil behind the ear (he learned it from H), and the check boxes he made in his guide book when a bug was spotted. H thought it would be a good idea for his Dad to get a photo in front of the Daddy Long Leg so C took a great photo of that. It was a really fun day, and C even got to hold a (huge) bumble bee while H and I hid behind a tree.

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