Hang tight - this was a super fun week. It started with Brian and I celebrating our 24th anniversary a day early. We decided to have a fancy picnic in the park. Rosé, caviar, cheese & bread, and a
crazy delicious quiche.
We ate near the marina so took a stroll since it was such a beautiful night. Afterwards, we went to a street festival in Shorewood and ran into a bunch of friends. So fun.
While we were there, Hudson drove to Oak Park to hang out with gang there for the night. He had an absolute blast.
The next day, we all met up at the NCC soccer game to cheer the Cardinals on.
Cole hasn't been seeing too much play time, but our cheering section went wild when he played for the last 25 minutes. He did awesome.
Brothers on campus. Gracie had us all over for hot dogs afterwards. She lives only a couple blocks away. How crazy is that?
Hudson has been training with the Flying Bilikens flight team early in the mornings. Here's a cool photo he sent. Yes, he's one of those planes.
I also met up with my friend Terri for a walk along the river. I had no idea what the route would be, but turns out, we did a brisk 5.25 miles.
It was great to see her and the trail was very cool. Love the bits of urban that would show up in the nature. The next night I met up with other friends I met with Beautycounter, and got a preview of the products this holiday season. It was so fun seeing all of them.
The biggest surprise came when Hudson called Thursday morning saying he was doing a cross country later in the day and would be coming to Milwaukee.
We met at a private hanger at Mitchell Field Airport. It was so fun watching him pull in. We got to spend about 30 minutes with him before he and the instructor had to turn around and head back to St. Louis. Not a ton of time, but enough for him to eat most of the Kopps hamburger we brought him.
Such a perfect night too. Can you even believe this?