25 September 2023

SLU Family Weekend 2023

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Can't believe it is already Hudson's Senior year family weekend. We always have such a great time seeing him, and love getting to know this a little more each time we go. Friday morning we picked Joan up -- she loves it too -- and made the journey to St. Louis. We stopped at Hudson's apartment to drop some things off, then made our way to our apartment, which once again, turned out to be perfect for us. Dinner that night was pizza from Union Loafers, per tradition. It's so nice after a long trip to not have to think about what we are going to eat. Plus, it's delicious. Joan stayed behind while the three of us went to The Pageant for the Royal Blood concert. It is such a great venue, and concert was fantastic. On our way back, we went with Hudson to his local bar and even met up with one of his roommates which was fun. 

Saturday was La Patisserie ChouquetteAO&S (my new favorite store) then the Tower's Grove farmer's market. I cannot get over how absolutely amazing it is. We dropped off our goods, rested our feet for a second, then Joan took us out for my birthday lunch. I picked Balkan Treat Box, which did not disappoint. It's been a minute since we've been there, and I'm already craving it. After lunch, we stopped by the college to pick up our family weekend tickets, then streamed Cole's soccer game at the apartment while some of us (Hudson) took a nap. Evening was a quick stop at Narwhal's and then the SLU soccer game. It is always so much fun watching that team play. Over 6000 in attendance. So fun. After the game, we dropped Grandma off, and Hudson took us to a couple of his favorite bars and we had a few of his favorite shots. When in St. Louis!

We had to be out of our apartment pretty early the next morning. Picked up Hudson and killed some time at the record store before Corner 17 opened. We got the table I've been eyeing every time we go -- right in front of the window where they are making the noodles. It is honestly the best food, and a great send off before we had to make our way back home. What an incredible time. 

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