Loved our set up this year. Brian and I were in the van (naturally), and the boys each had a tent to sleep in. It was perfect. After a good sleep, we got together for breakfast burritos. Yum, yum, yum. Some stayed behind, while some of us headed into New Glarus. Chris & Graham rode their bikes again. It's a such a beautiful route. I'm not sure what the deal is, but the brewery is closed on weekends. Makes no sense to us, but we still were able to visit our favorite bakery. An art festival was going on as well, so that was fun. Afterwards, we stopped on the way back for a hike at the Pine Cliff Trail. We discovered it a couple years ago, and it's a perfect 1 hour hike. We all enjoyed it. As soon as we got back, it was time for Frito Pie dinner at our place. We have the meals down to a science. Afterwards, we sat around and got to enjoy another perfect night.