07 September 2022

Klassy Kamping 22 :: Day 01


Another year of Klassy Kamping. Brian left for Governor Dodge on Friday, and in a super exciting turn of events, Hudson decided to join us this year. It was so great having him, especially since this year is the mass exodus we've been dreading all these years. Only one remaining kid. Fortunately, a couple have made appearances. Gracie joined us again this year too. Cole and I had to wait until Saturday morning to come up, but made it before everyone else was moving. It was a pretty lazy day. It had rained during the night and into the morning, and the weather was pretty cold and gloomy the rest of the weekend, actually. But it was fine. We rode bikes to the beach, and a few brave souls even went swimming. Evening was a new favorite dinner -- paella night. We've deemed Aaron the paella master, even though he's confessed he's only made it once before. He's a trooper. It's always just so much fun being with everyone, and this year was no different. 

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