05 January 2021

Folly Beach, SC :: Day 07


Our last day! So sad. This morning, Brian AND the boys got up to watch the sunrise. When they came back, I joined them in their excursion to Crosby's for clams and shrimp, then H and I went for a run (he on the beach, me on the street) and all of us met up at the surf shop. The boys drove home, and Brian and I walked the beach back. A little later, the guys made lunch and The Frigs came over to join us.That afternoon, we went back into Charleston for a bit and wandered some different streets. On one of them, traffic was stopped thanks to a group of guinea fowl! A woman was out of her car shooing them away, so I stepped in to help. Tried to get them on one side until she told me they lived on the other, and that seemed to work. Come to find out, they are quite famous! The boys of course thought I was crazy, but the woman in the car even stopped to tell them what a huge help I was. So there. When we got back to our rental, H, Brian and I took a stroll along the beach. No sunsets that night, but, we did spot a starfish. As our last hurrah, we met The Frigs one last time at Bowens Island. Since we had a break from oysters, we decided to try those and ended up getting the very last tray. By the way, a tray like these? They cost about $28. Crazy. Sadly, we had to say our goodbyes to our bubble before leaving. Spending this time with The Frigs this past week was so amazing, it was kind of a bummer to have to go our separate ways. When we got back to the house, we decided we needed one last walk to the beach to soak it all in. It was hard leaving that too.

The next morning we woke up bright and early, ordered Lost Dog for takeout, and made our way back to Wisconsin. We stopped in Knoxville, TX for a little soul food at Jackie's Dream (a great spot H found), and took our food to the University of Tennessee so we could drive around that area a bit before finishing the rest of the long journey home. We arrived safe and sound late that night, feeling refreshed and excited to have been able to go on such an adventure, especially during these times. 

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