C's high school team was in a tournament last weekend. Here are some of the action shots I got. Ha!

They ended up winning 2 games and losing 1. And eating a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches. I must have dragged C with me when H's team played this tournament, because all he was talking about the amazing grilled cheese sandwiches here. Funny he even remembered that! It clearly was the highlight of the tournament for him several years ago. Most of the team got on board with his grilled cheese kick, so I'm glad he remembered it correctly.

It rained most of the day on Sunday. When you rather not be frolicking in the rain, this is the next best thing.

Our friends Leif & Melissa were going to come up on Sunday. You see, Mel's brother was participating in the Pumpkin Regatta. Say what? Cedarburg has a big Harvest Festival, and it's an event that takes place during it. With threats of thunderstorms pretty much all day, they decided to stay back in Oak Park, but we had to check it out ourselves nonetheless. The weather definitely kept the crowds away. Good for us. Terrible for the vendors. Here's Jamie during the best decoration contest. He won that part, by the way.

Unfortunately, his pumpkin didn't do so well as a water vessel. In fact, he came in dead last, only after pushing it most of the way. Here's the super impressive thing though. He grew his own pumpkin. In fact, I think he may have been the only one. I love that.

Brian & me at the Harvest Festival.

Also in Cedarburg. We really like that town by the way.

And, back to soccer. C played three games this week. He was even invited to play with JV which was super fun for him (he's on the JV2 team -- with every single freshman player and several sophomores -- that's just how they do it). He had a really good week.