30 September 2016

Last Week in Moments

C was in a soccer tournament in Cedarburg all weekend. 2 wins, 1 tie put them in the finals -- which got rained out. They ended up winning the tournament based on points. H was busy this weekend too -- refereeing. He did great.

This one finally went into the vet to take a look at her knee. She's been limping for awhile, and he referred us to a specialist. Things aren't looking great -- it seems she might have a partial ACL tear. The good news is, it's not urgent. The bad news is, we are going to have to deal with it at some point. And are supposed to limit her running. Um, right. Even the vet laughed when she told me that.

C had his third cross-country meet. Bayside boys ended up coming in 1st place. C took 17th place -- 7th for his school. They are really fast. And he conquered the Klode Park hill. It doesn't seem like much here, but it's really steep.

23 September 2016

Last Week in Moments

H's JV2 high school team played in a tournament in Sheboygan this past weekend. They won 2, lost 1 and ended up coming in 3rd place. Pretty exciting.

This guy decided to make a nest in my nicely made bed. I could barely get him to get off of it.

16 September 2016

Last Week in Moments

C and I were in Madison Friday through Sunday for a soccer tournament. The first night we hung out in the hotel room and ordered pizza and a salad, and ate on C's bed. He thought it was the best thing ever.

Brian and I celebrated 17 years together. Look how young we are! Too bad we didn't even get to see each other. But he and H did drive out on the motorcycle on Sunday.

C's team won their bracket in the tournament! Three wins and one tie. He's been working hard and having a great time this year. The full field is kind of kicking his behind, but he'll get it.

Oh my gosh, look at this one! Sleeping like a little baby.

C had his first cross country meet. He came in 16th overall -- 5th for his school -- and his school ended up winning the meet. In other news, there is a new 6th grader who has a faster mile and came in 3rd for the school at the meet. Look like C's going to finally have to give up his title. He's ok with that.

09 September 2016

Last Week in Moments

It was my birthday on Tuesday. 47. It's a weird number to say because it just doesn't seem possible. Overall, the day was pretty uneventful. Filled with back to school, catching up and meetings. There were, however, a few really nice surprises. Melissa sent me the most beautiful plant in the world. She sure has a way of making people feel special. Brian made an incredible salmon dinner. And Mother Nature apologized for being so hot and humid all day (not my favorite) with this incredible rainbow.

C took a bite out of the giant gummy bear he got for his birthday. Isn't that thing crazy?

08 September 2016

Klassy Kamping :: The Cast of Characters


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

(Past Years: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010 -- I'm so glad we are finally consistently going, because seriously, the memories created each year are just too awesome.) 

Klassy Kamping :: Day 3


The final day. Always so sad, but especially since this was such a perfect weekend. Most of the group had to get back home for one thing or the other, so they left fairly early. Along with the Kraljs, we decided take advantage of the gorgeous day and spend a couple more hours at the lake before heading home.

Klassy Kamping :: Day 2


After Breakfast Burritos and Bloody Mary's in the morning, we caravanned through the beautiful country roads to New Glarus. We sampled the beers, and discovered a new favorite -- Uff-Da. Lunch was at Sugar River Pizza before heading back for some more lake time. The weather was extremely comfortable this year, thank goodness. But it meant that getting in the water proved to be a little harder. At least for us adults. The kids had a blast. And El's floating island was a big hit, to say the least. At night, the kids had a piñata, thanks to C. It's a tradition for him, as you know. And without kids around this year on his birthday, this was the compromise. Dinner was campfire beans, potatoes and hot dogs. All of us were exhausted, so it was early to bed for most of us.

Klassy Kamping :: Day 1


Over Labor Day weekend, we met up with some of our favorite folks for our annual camping trip at Governor Dodge State Park. We woke up at the crack of dawn on Saturday to join the rest of the gang, who was already there. We ate breakfast. The Frig girls did H & C's hair. And then the ladies headed over to Walmart, which is always a fun adventure. After that, some went to the Iowa County Fair, while others ventured to the beach. That evening, we met up again for a delicious Frito Pie dinner and to greet Leif & Finn who had just arrived after Finn's big soccer game. Such a great day.

02 September 2016

Last Week in Moments

Firewood was delivered right in the nick of time. We were down to three logs. Gasp!

C's birthday celebration.

TWELVE! I cannot even believe it.

It was a busy day, with a JV2 soccer game, and U13 soccer training and a meeting. C really wanted lobster dinner -- but the restaurant closes at 8pm! We even drove down to the market to see if we could get 4 lobster dinners to go, but they said no. (I probably should have called first). Instead, he requested a sushi boat. It was perfect.

There were some crazy downpours, and the boys had a blast running around in it. Nothing beat midwestern summer storms.

I love this old guy.

First day of school. This is what a freshman looks like. He had a really great day. We are so excited for him.

And this one is off to 6th grade. Three more years until they are reunited in the same school again. He had a great day too.