We were planning on going to Chicago for a day over Spring Break, but Brian surprised us with an overnight trip. He arranged for everything, and it was amazing. Our first stop was the
Museum of Science & Industry. We used to take the boys there a ton when we lived there, and it really brought back a ton of great memories. H just had a huge smile on his face, and C kept saying "I remember this!"

We also went to the
Brick by Brick exhibit. Thankfully, Brian purchased tickets for everything ahead of time. In all my years, I've never seen the place so busy.

There were some hand-on exhibit, but also some incredible pieces designed by Adam Reed Tucker.

We had a snack at
Eataly before checking into
our hotel. Then we walked up and down Michigan Ave. Two boys forgot winter jackets, so we had to do a little shopping. Brian had made reservations for an early dinner at
The Publican, which used to be one of our go-to places. It was so good, and the kids loved it. We even ran into one of our friends there, so that was fun.

Afterwards, we walked around the first neighborhood I lived in when I moved to Chicago 22 years ago -- the West Loop. Here's the boys outside our very first apartment together. We also got to show them where we had our rehearsal dinner and our second apartment (which was right across the street). We lived in that neighborhood for four years, and absolutely loved it. After that, we went back to the hotel and hung out. Nice.