Eight weeks ago -- March 30, 2014 to be exact -- we received this photograph, showing a new litter of German Shorthaired Pointers that had just been born. The sire's name is Axel, and the Dam is Hazel. Poor Hazel had 13 puppies in her litter!

It's only taken a year to sway me, but we decided to get one. The boys have been so excited, and even had a countdown on our wall.

The boys and Brian drove to Iowa, and had a fun night of swimming and go-carts, before picking her out today. She was awesome on the 5-hour ride home.

We had a busy afternoon exploring the backyard. And we finally picked out a name -- GRETEL! It was between that and Goosey, which C picked out and I loved. Brian and H didn't think she looked like a Goose though.

And meeting Storm. I was pretty worried about this one, to be honest. But it could not have gone better. I'm not sure he necessarily loves having a baby in the house. He's an old man after all. But overall, he kind of could care less that she is there. She seemed to feel the same way.

Finally nap time. Probably not the best place to pick -- that's Storm's bed. We did transfer and she's still out. So far so good. She's quite a sweetie.