26 May 2014

A Party for Penny


Yesterday, C and I packed up and headed down to Oak Park. C wanted to hang out with Finn and meet their new dog. I had a birthday party to go to. Penny is turning 40 next month, and Chris wanted to surprise her by having a birthday party. Melissa made the food. Amy hosted. It was a match made in heaven, and was absolutely perfect. The backyard was filled with friends of Penny's from all different areas of her life. To get Penny there, Amy planned a "Memorial Day BBQ" with Melissa + Leif, El + Dejan, Brian + me. We of course couldn't be there because of the puppy. Surprise! Penny even ended up bringing her own coconut birthday cake to the party! Too much awesome. It was such a fun night. I wish Brian could have been there too, but I absolutely loved hanging out with my friends, and seeing a bunch of people I haven't seen for a few years. Perfect.

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