11 June 2013

Sharing Party


School is finally winding down over here. Tomorrow is the last day, and now that I can officially say I've recovered from last summer, we are ready to bring it on. At C's classroom today, they had a sharing party. The kids performed twisted fair tales, and C's group performed "The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs." He was an officer. It was all very cute. His teacher (pictured above with two of his best "bros") was really great. C made a lot of progress this year, and absolutely loves going to school. In fact, I can honestly say that he'll miss it over summer, which is pretty great. At the party, the kids also got to share some of the work they have done over the year. This such as this story that C wrote and designed on the computer:

The Alien Who Fell In Love with the Princess
by CP

Once upon a time the alien ate the cotton candy and it was delicious.
The alien flew. The alien flew because he was happy. 

The alien jumped into the UFO. 
The mad alien ate the speaker. 
The alien climbed into the cauldron.

The princess was worried. 
The princess climbed into the cage. 

The alien climbed into the cauldron. 
The mad alien threw the sword which landed in the ground. 
The princess climbed into the cage. The worried princess threw the jewel. 

The alien kissed the princess. The boy kissed the zebra. The princess kissed the alien.

The alien went into the tent. The alien slept while holding the jewel. 

Yep, what can I say -- he cracks me up. H also had a great day, with a field trip that lasted the entire time. They went to the theater to see a movie, then bowling. Pretty nice.

1 comment:

Ali said...

In the story, do you think you are the worried princess and cole is the alien? I'm just saying I could maybe see that ;)