Today we went skiing at Little Switzerland. It was in the upper 30s, sunny and perfect. It's a small hill, but only 30 minutes from our house. We ran into a number of people we know, including one of H's good friends, some people who's son plays soccer with C, and my friend Kari's (who lives in Alabama) entire family. So fun. H did great. He can go down anything there, and once he ran into his friend, we didn't see them for awhile as the hit the slopes alone. Then there is C. Skiing still isn't his favorite thing to do nor his forte -- but he had fun. Just like last year, after we got him to try going down some of the larger runs, we ended the day back on the bunny hill. Once there, he didn't even want to leave. I sure hope we will be able to get out a couple more times this year!