Our friend Jesse is coach of the Canadian Men's National Soccer Team. Canada played Peru in Kansas City in the Copa America tournament, so Hudson and his friend Sam drove down to watch them game. Jesse hooked him up with 5th row tickets. They even got to say hi to each other for a few minutes later after the game. It's probably been four years since these two have seen each other, but Jesse and Kim have known Hudson since he was a couple days old. Our friends are the best.
We are getting our house painted, so a nest that was on our house needed to be taken down. Unfortunately, it had these little guys in it. There's another one we need to tackle too, that I'm pretty sure has babies in it. Boo...
Speaking of the painters, of course it was the old lady who had to get herself in a little trouble. It came off easily with a little Dawn, thank goodness.
Received the nicest surprise today. This gorgeous flower bouquet from Amy, Penny and Mel, along with the sweetest note of thanks for our weekend in St. Louis. I don't think I've ever seen anything so lovely. I cannot stop staring and smiling at it. Have I mentioned we have the sweetest friends ever?