10 May 2024

Moments 05 24 :: Week 02

As soon as he was home, he was gone again. Cole and one of his teammates traveled to The Netherlands for 10 days to visit three other teammates. I cannot wait to hear some of the stories. What a great experience. 

Giant and beautiful sandhill crane Van and I saw on our walk.

The tree outside out kitchen window is stunning this year.

Got Brian and I a little treat. Some of our favorite chocolates from Bonbon. This is the spring mix, which is now sold out.

Attended a fundraiser with these ladies. Such a fun night. 

Detail of one of our chocolates. They are just so special. 

My friend's dog Radley. He's is such a dreamboat. And a good boy. Just hung out on the car with the back door open as we worked out in the gym. It's been awhile since I got a photo with a gym dog. 

Speaking of dreamboats, how cute are these two? Couldn't believe it when Gretel tried to snuggle in Van's bed. Adorable. 

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