23 February 2024

Moments 02 24 :: Week 04

The NCC Men's soccer team volunteered by helping out with a Special Olympics basketball game. Cole was a referee. He said it was a blast. 

It's been gorgeous out, so Brian and I decided to take both dogs out hunting. I'm pretty useless. I don't carry the dog collar controls or a gun - basically I walk around. It's so fun watching the dogs do what they love so much.

Yes, Van has goggles. He's usually ok with them, but they didn't last long this time. 

The dogs in action. 

We were worried about Gretel. She's almost 10 years old, has a knee that's already been repaired, and on arthritis medication. Running around so much tends to take a toll on her, but she did awesome! We gave her a pm dose of her meds and an aspirin right after. She was a little stiff that night, but back to normal the next day. I'm so relieved it worked out. I thought for sure this would be her last adventure, and she loves it so much.

The sunset as seen from my walk the other day. Wow.

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