22 May 2020

Moments 05 20 :: Week 04

Saturday last weekend was really nice. We got a ton of yard work done (and still have a bunch more to do this weekend). But Sunday, it looked like this. It rained non-stop and the water rose so much it covered the streets around us. Thankfully, once it stops raining, the water goes away pretty quickly, but I know a lot of people had issues after this rainfall. Meanwhile, the boys had a great time running through the streets, and Gretel even got to put on her long leash and go swimming in the verge since it collected so much water. She loved it.

Had to submit his U17 (!!!) soccer photo for next year. He's almost as tall as me too. How does this happen?

Anyone else have a mini garden on their window ledge?

Miracle of all miracles. We started this puzzle on New Years Eve. -- and finished right in time for Memorial Day. Granted, 95% of it was me, and thanks to our dark house, I could only work on it when it was light outside, but still. This was a doozy.

I can't remember the last time I worked on a puzzle. The boys got this for Christmas. "It will be fun!" I said. I had no idea how difficult this was going to be. For most of it, it is basically impossible to figured out the pieces by looking at it. I had to literally take them all and test them out in each spot. The first half of this endeavor took forever. I would get a piece or two a day and half to walk away. I still haven't been able to take it apart. I cannot believe I finished this.

One of the good, not so good things, we've been doing lately is Christina Tosi's Bake Club. It's a daily thing she's been doing on instagram. C and I started doing it, and now I'm hooked. It's usually pretty easy stuff, and I'm honestly learning a ton including how to be a little more creative (I'm a recipe follower). Some of my favorite things we've made are citrus jam, ricotta, a ridiculous icebox cake made with Cool Whip, grilled cheese with red onion jam and these Ritz cookies.  Actually, everything has been pretty amazing, and it sounds crazy, but I feel like accomplished every day when I make something.

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