I seriously probably take at least one picture of her sitting by the fire every single day. It's just too funny.

So, this happened.We got a HUGE snowfall Friday/Saturday. I had to take Brian to the airport on Saturday (he's in Japan!), and it was a nightmare to drive in at 4:30am. Later that day, my friend and I had to drive our boys to Rockford for soccer. I sure was glad to have a co-pilot.

Gretel loves the snow.

We got more snow on Wednesday -- and school was cancelled. I sure was glad to have this guy around. He's always such a big help.

Meanwhile, here's the other one....

It was also exam week. To celebrate the end of a great semester and lots of hard work, H and I had a lunch date. I gave him a few choices, but considering it's below 0 degrees out, he chose ramen. Good call.