Last weekend was the Lapham Peak Fright Hike. It was a blast! H absolutely loved it. C was terrified - but I think had fun nevertheless. Brian may have been one of the few adults in costume, but it sure was a hit.

From what I understand, the local drama clubs put on the various "skits" as you walk about 2 miles through the forest. They did such a great job. There was even a headless horseman on a horse, which was totally eerie.

Wednesday was rainy all day. The dogs wanted nothing to do with it.

I however, don't even mind rainy days. Fall is my favorite! So pretty and I feel so great.

Blisters, broken pumpkin bits, knives that are not electric (someone watched YouTube), taking too long.... You should have heard the drama while carving pumpkins the other night. Thankfully, they still had fun.

He wasn't thrilled with his school photos this year, but this one made him very happy.

For extra credit in Spanish class, H had to make a Day of the Dead ofrenda. He chose Grandpa Pat, and ended up winning a $10 prize for coming in 3rd place. Plus, it was fun telling him stories about his grandfather so he could pick objects to include. It was a good project.