We've been getting some much needed rain. This is how Gretel prefers to spend her time on those days.

The Frigs came to town! We always look so forward to their visits. We made a picnic and went to the
Hubbard Park Beer Garden. It was our first time visiting this particular one, and is by far, my new favorite.

M is really good with hair, and asked if she could get her hands on C's. She ended up doing a bunch of braids. Despite this photo, he loved it! Too bad I have no idea how to replicate it. He's already asked.

Per tradition, we went to German American Days at
Carl Schurz Park. We met up with my parents, my sister and her family. It's always such a great day, and so fun watching how excited the kids get about it.

Tuesday was a sad day in our house. Bill, C's goldfish, took his last breath. He's had Bill
since 2011, when he won him at a carnival. Those things usually don't make it past the parking lot, but somehow, this fish was with us nearly 5 years. C actually took it really hard. After all, Bill's been with him for nearly half of his life. After soccer practice, we had a proper burial for Bill. He's resting peacefully in our back yard.

On Wednesday, C had his last day of tennis. We took advantage of a beautiful day by spending some time on our favorite lake. It was the perfect day for it. Sadly, we had to rush off to high school soccer practice because we honestly could have stayed all day. Speaking of high school soccer, H had tryouts Monday & Tuesday, and I'm happy to report, he made JV2. Of course, he would have liked to have made JV, but he's pretty excited to get to play with all of his Bavarian teammates and friends from school who are all on the same team. We can't wait to cheer #52 on this season.

H had a dentist appointment on Friday. We knew he was getting braces and started the process a couple of weeks ago, but didn't know he was getting them that day! He's in a lot of pain right now, but is pretty excited to have them on before starting school.