




1. C wished us a Happy Valentine's Day as soon as he saw us and gave us this drawing.
2. At H's school, they could buy chocolate roses for people this week, which would be handed out at their advisory class this morning. H wanted to buy one for himself. But he got in line, as soon as it was his turn, they sold out. When he left this morning, he said that he really hoped someone got him one. Sure enough, he came home with a chocolate rose from "A Mystery Girl." And his face was covered with hearts and a red mustache. I guess the teachers were drawing hearts on the kid's faces. Funny.
3. C came home with a huge Valentine's stash. He gave out mystery flavor
Fun Dips.
4. After C's soccer practice, we had a Valentine's dinner of bacon wrapped beef tenderloin, rosemary-garlic mushrooms,
creamed spinach and a flourless chocolate cake (all paleo). Brian also brought us chocolate covered strawberries. My favorite.
5. My Valentines!!!!!
6. H gave us each a gum ball for our Valentine's Day presents and wrote a little note. C drew this picture for us. It's a Phoenix rising from the flames with a heart.