20 September 2024

Moments 09 24 :: Week 03

On Friday, Cole and the NCC Cardinals played at MSOE in Milwaukee! Cole's been wanting to play on this field since he was a little kid, and he finally got to. It was a beautiful night, and a pretty cool setting too. Cole said the field sucked though. 

He even had a little cheering section. Loved having these guys there.

It's been warm and humid still. Perfect conditions for Brian and I to get another dip in Lake Michigan. It's absolutely stunning when you are out there. We are so lucky.

On Sunday I went to Cole's soccer game vs. Benedictine. It was a bummer of a game for many reasons, so when I suggested dinner before I headed up, Cole was all about it. Honestly, I cannot remember the last time we've gotten to do something, just the two of us. I think we both enjoyed it. I know I sure did. It made me so happy. 

Kitchen is so close! Still waiting on a couple more things, then it will be time for the big reveal. We laid down the rug and these two immediately took over. Along with their gross stuffed chickens.

Crazy moon this week. 

These stuffed chickens have seen better days, that's for sure. But look how cute this guy is!

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